
Research Webinars

Design and interpretation of clinical trials to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19

February 3th, 2021 – 2pm

Different efficacy rates reported for how vaccines against COVID-19 may result from clinical trial designs. This webinar discussed the scientific procedure for producing, collecting and analyzing data behind different vaccine clinical trials.


Welcome Address
Luiz Eugênio Mello, Scientific Director, FAPESP

Anamaria Camargo (FAPESP e Sírio Libanês Hospital)


How vaccines work

Ricardo Sobhie Diaz (Paulista School of Medicine, Unifesp)

Clinical trial design
Mirian Dal Ben (Sírio Libanês Hospital)

Interpretation of clinical trials
Eduardo Massad (Medicine School of the University of São Paulo and Getúlio Vargas Foundation - RJ)


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