
Research Webinars

Scientific entrepreneurship and innovation in response to COVID-19

Innovating is a challenge for all organizations in the ever-changing world, requiring preparation for new contexts. COVID-19 brought a new reality with new urgent demands for society. In this webinar, different entrepreneurial organizations will discuss what it means to be prepared to meet these challenges.

Wellcome Address
Luiz Eugênio Mello, Scientific Director, FAPESP

Luciana Hashiba, Adjunt Panel - Research for Innovation, FAPESP and vice-coordinator of the Innovation Center FGV EAESP, FGVin

Innovation and scientific entrepreneurship - connection with start-ups
Rodrigo Bornhausen Demarch, Innovation Director, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and co-founder and CEO, Zetta Health Analytics

Opportunities brought by COVID-19 to the Timpel business
Rafael Holzhacker, President, Timpel Precision Ventilation

Opportunities brought by COVID-19 to the Biolinker business
Mona das Neves Oliveira, Founder and scientific chief, Biolinker


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